LOCATION: Middlesex County, MA
DESIGN START: Winter 2017
IN-SERVICE: Spring 2020
SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: Solar Turbine 5.0MW
FIRM ROLE: Engineering, Design Construction Support, Commissioning
Noresco is building a new Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Facility at Hanscom Air Force Base
in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. The CHP will serve the site’s steam requirements and off-set
electrical purchases from the incumbent electrical utility. The design scope includes preparation of a design package in sufficient detail for permitting, pricing, and construction by general, electrical, mechanical, civil & site utility subcontractors experienced with the installation of similar facilities. Waldron prepared the permit applications for the DEP Air Permit, Eversource Electric Interconnection, and the Pipeline Natural Gas Load Letter. The permit process was completed in 9 months.
5 MW Gas Turbine Generator
Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) with fuel assisted firing (duct burner) generating up to 40,000 lb/hr of steam at 100 psig
Control System for the CHP plant that integrates the balance of plant equipment.
Electric Load Management System
The new CHP plant ties into the existing steam, condensate, water, sewer, and electrical systems.