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STUDY DATE: November 2014 – December 2015

SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: Gas Turbines, Reciprocating Engines, Chillers, Boilers

FIRM ROLE: Feasibility Study

The Longwood Medical Area (LMA) is a world-class medical and academic center located between Brookline and Mission Hill. With the central energy plant serving the hospital district getting close to 40 years in age, Longwood Medical Energy commissioned Waldron Engineering & Construction, Inc. to develop a study for the replacement of the existing facility and distribution net-work. Longwood Medical Energy consists of Brigham & Women’s, Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Jimmy Fund and other healthcare and research facilities. The comprehensive study covered load analysis with growth projections, central plant, distributed generation and satellite plant options and radial, loop and other distribution options. The technical options include gas turbines, reciprocating engines, chillers, boilers and complete balance of plant. Work included life cycle performance projections, O&M cost budgets and construction cost estimates.

© 2023 Waldron Engineering & Construction, Inc. • Waldron Engineering of New York, P.C.

CA Contractor License #1126806

Westchester County HI License #WC-38167-H24

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