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    < Back to all projects BRIGHAM & WOMEN’S HOSPITAL MICROGRID DESIGN START/COMPLETION: February 2013 – July 2014 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 4 MW Reciprocating Engine Generator, 125 psig Waste Heat Boiler, Jacket Water Heat Recovery, (2) 700 BHP Firetube Boilers IN-SERVICE: Summer 2016 FIRM ROLE: Feasibility Study, Schematic Design, Design Development, Detailed Design Waldron Engineering & Construction, Inc. performed an initial feasibility study for Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) to evaluate the feasibility and economic value of installing a Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) in their new Brigham’s Building for the Future (BBF). The primary purpose for the CHP was to provide operational cost savings to the hospital and a level of resiliency to serve the energy needs of the facility. In addition to studying various CHP technologies, including combustion turbine generator and reciprocating engine generators, Waldron appraised the value of supplying electrical and thermal energy not only to the new BBF building, but also to the neighboring Shapiro building which is part of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital campus. Upon identifying that a 4 MW reciprocating engine based CHP was the optimal size and technology to serve the two buildings, Waldron executed the detailed design of the entire central energy plant. Waldron served as the engineer of record for the project which included a 4 MW recip-engine based CHP plant with dual fuel firetube boilers that were installed in the basement of Brigham & Women’s Hospital Building for the Future in Boston.


    < Back to all projects HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE MICROGRID LOCATION: Middlesex County, MA DESIGN START: Winter 2017 IN-SERVICE: Spring 2020 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: Solar Turbine 5.0MW FIRM ROLE: Engineering, Design Construction Support, Commissioning CONSTRUCTION COST: $20.5 Noresco is building a new Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Facility at Hanscom Air Force Base in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. The CHP will serve the site’s steam requirements and off-set electrical purchases from the incumbent electrical utility. The design scope includes preparation of a design package in sufficient detail for permitting, pricing, and construction by general, electrical, mechanical, civil & site utility subcontractors experienced with the installation of similar facilities. Waldron prepared the permit applications for the DEP Air Permit, Eversource Electric Interconnection, and the Pipeline Natural Gas Load Letter. The permit process was completed in 9 months. 5 MW Gas Turbine Generator Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) with fuel assisted firing (duct burner) generating up to 40,000 lb/hr of steam at 100 psig Control System for the CHP plant that integrates the balance of plant equipment. Electric Load Management System The new CHP plant ties into the existing steam, condensate, water, sewer, and electrical systems.


    < Back to all projects FRASER PAPER MILL/NEXFOR LOCATION: Edmundston, New Brunswick DESIGN START: 1995 DESIGN COMPLETION: 1998 IN-SERVICE: Commercial Operation beginning early 1998 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 45 MW net, Hydrograte Stoker, Biomass-Fired Boiler FIRM ROLE: Owner’s Engineer, Engineering, Construction Management and Commissioning Waldron Engineering was engaged to act as the owner’s engineering group during the development of a biomass fueled cogeneration facility for a 1300 ton per day paper mill in Edmundston. The installed facility generated 45 MW of electricity and an equivalent thermal load of 60 MW. Waldron developed the plant’s conceptual design. Additionally, Waldron dealt with boiler efficiency analysis, thermodynamic cycle design, and conceptual layout, technical and economic optimization of design. Finally, Waldron developed and evaluated the EPC contract bids. This project successfully meets all thermal output designed at concept. As of 1998 the Fraser Cogeneration Power Plant was the largest biomass-fueled boiler in North America.


    < Back to all projects BIOGEN MICROGRID LOCATION: Cambridge, MA DESIGN START/COMPLETION: Summer 2004 – Winter 2006 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 5.0 MW Solar Taurus 60 turbine with HRSG & SCR IN-SERVICE: Commercial Operation, Winter 2006 FIRM ROLE: Engineering, Construction, and Commissioning Support Biogen, a world leader in research and development of multiple-sclerosis treatment drugs required a solution for the high price and poor reliability of utility service at their Cambridge, Massachusetts campus. The solution came in the form of a new central energy plant to serve six buildings with electricity and five with high pressure steam. Waldron served as the engineer of record for the CHP facility which is located in the basement of the biopharma research building. The facility included a dual fuel, 5 MW combustion turbine with a heat recovery steam generator, an SCR system, two dual fuel package boilers, liquid fuel storage, steam distribution system upgrades, and a consolidation of the campus-wide electrical distribution system. The facility was designed to operate with very low noise and vibration and is located one floor below a normally occupied, mixed-use office environment. The scope of services for this project included the following: Dual Fuel Solar Taurus 60 Turbine/Generator 50,000 lb/hr gas fired heat recovery steam boiler with an SCR and CO catalyst Two 50,000 lb/hr Package Boilers Condensate Receiver Deaerator Water Treatment System CEM System New Electrical Distribution System with Switchgear New Steam Distribution System Control Systems


    < Back to all projects BAYSTATE MEDICAL CENTER MICROGRID LOCATION: Springfield, MA DESIGN START: July 2015 IN-SERVICE: December 2017 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: Mercury 50 Gas Turbine Generator, Duct-fired, heat recovery steam generator, Steam absorption chiller, Black Start Reciprocating Engine, Natural Gas Compression System, Medium and low voltage switchgear FIRM ROLE: Engineer, Design, Equipment Procurement, Construction Waldron Engineering & Construction is the design-builder for a new natural gas fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) project located at the largest level I trauma center hospital in western Massachusetts, Baystate Medical Center in Springfield. The project includes a new power plant building, the first Solar Turbines Mercury 50 Gas turbine generator to be permitted in Massachusetts, a duct fired heat recovery steam generator, a new steam absorption chilling system, a new natural gas compression system, a new black start reciprocating engine, new medium and low voltage switchgear as well as modifications to an existing steam and chilled water plant. The project’s equipment has also been engineered for the future installation of a hot water system to further reduce the hospitals energy costs and carbon footprint. Waldron’s prime construction subcontractor on the project is Cianbro Corporation. The project has a unique financing structure that includes a federal grant from the department of housing and urban development, incentives from the local electric utility and grants from the state of Massachusetts. The project will provide energy cost savings for the medical center for years to come.


    < Back to all projects UMASS AMHERST LOCATION: Amherst, MA START: Dec. 2017 COMPLETION: May 2018 FIRM ROLE: Engineer, Planner, Consultant Waldron Engineering & Construction, Inc. developed a comprehensive, 8,760-hr campus utility model that was used to evaluate various alternatives for adding steam production capacity to the existing Central Heating Plant. The model included existing high and low pressure steam generators, an existing combustion turbine with heat recovery, two backpressure steam turbines, three steam pressures, and multiple fuels, as well as various new technologies that were considered for addition. Tariff models for natural gas and grid electricity based on hourly equipment dispatch. Electric feeder loading was incorporated into the model, such that distribution constraints limited the electrical output of the generators, which enabled evaluation of savings associated with the infrastructure upgrade alternatives. The model was used to calculate the GHG emissions benefits/costs for various operational strategies being tested. The study incorporated assessments of financial/ environmental impact of batteries, additional renewable generation, and energy conservation measures on campus. The planning tool Waldron created, enabled an in-depth analysis of the financial and environmental outcomes associated with integrated various technologies into the UMass micro-grid. The model was used to explore the cost per unit of GHG reduction associated with various technology options, including building-integrated renewable technologies such as solar thermal, geothermal, and pellet-fuel biomass boilers.


    < Back to all projects BRIGHAM & WOMEN'S BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM LOCATION: Boston, MA DESIGN START: November 2018 DESIGN COMPLETION: December 2019 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 1 MW/660kW-Hr FIRM ROLE: Engineering, Construction Management and Commissioning The installation of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital was executed as an EPC (Engineer-Procure-Construct) project. BWH was looking for resiliency and peak demand reduction for their campus. The new battery energy storage system supplements operation of the existing CHP system which included a 4 MW natural gas fired Caterpillar engine and waste heat recovery. The now Hybrid-CHP system will provide operational cost savings and in the event of a power outage, could supplement the emergency diesel engines to provide power to the hospital. The project was installed in association with the MA-DOER. Scope of work included: Engineering and Design Procurement Permitting Construction Commissioning Turn-over


    < Back to all projects FAA – EMERGENCY GENERATOR PROJECTS LOCATION: Multiple Locations DESIGN START/COMPLETION: 2002 – 2010 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: High Reliability Electrical Systems FIRM ROLE: Engineering Design Waldron served as the Engineer for a series of emergency/standby generator upgrades and/or replacements at radar sites across the United States for the Federal Aviation Administration. A typical project included an engine generator, automatic transfer switch, load bank, HVAC upgrades and a fuel tank/pump system.


    < Back to all projects NASHUA WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY LOCATION: Nashua, NH DESIGN START: November 2017 DESIGN COMPLETION: March 2018 IN-SERVICE: August 2020 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 2 x 225 kW Engine Anaerobic Digester Gas/Natural Gas Blend FIRM ROLE: Engineer, Permitting Support, Commissioning Waldron performed a detailed evaluation of the existing cogeneration building at the Nashua Wastewater Treatment Facility (NWTF). The evaluation included the existing piping, renewable gas production, the two boilers, heat exchangers, gas cleaning room, the exhaust gas flare, and gas hold tank feed system. Waldron provided a preliminary design report on findings and recommended solutions. The renewable gas firing option allowed considerable financial and environmental benefits. Waldron was the Engineer of Record, environmental and electricity utility permitting agent for the project. The project included the replacement of an existing 300 kW engine generator and associated auxiliary equipment with two 225 kW engine generators, gas blending system for easy startup and to maintain consistent fuel gas quality at the engines, associated heat exchangers, new control system, and new electrical switchgear which enables net metering at the facility. The new design benefited the wastewater facility with significant energy savings and increased the overall operating efficiency, flexibility, and redundancy.


    < Back to all projects YALE UNIVERSITY ELECTRICAL WORK LOCATION: New Haven, CT PROJECT DATES: 2013 – 2016 FIRM ROLE: Designer, Commissioning Waldron has completed multiple projects for Yale University. Below are some of the electrical focused projects that have been completed. 1. Supplemental Generator Project a. Designed and installed 3 mobile generators to provide supplemental power to the Yale University Campus. The mobile generators operate in parallel with existing turbine generators and emergency generators. The three mobile generators run in parallel with each other and have load share capability. b. Controls of the generators are designed to operate the generator from three locations, local manually, chiller plant control room-automatically and the central power plant control room automatically. Controls for the new switchgear were connected into the DCS and existing synch panel for remote control. Raise/Lower voltage and frequency, synch check and other interlocks will be designed as needed. c. Arc Flash Study completed for all new equipment. d. Developed the Sequence of Operation for the generator control system. 2. New Vista Key Control Project a. Designed and commissioned the new Vista Switch Key Interlock Controls between four existing 15KV breakers. The Vista Switch Key Interlock Controls allow the associated 15 KV circuit breaker to be closed on a dead bus when the vista switch is open. This energizes the vista switch on the campus side of the switch and allows the utility to perform phase checks at the vista switch. The vista switch is not allowed to close if the key interlock switch is activated. All synchronizing remains across the 15KV breakers. b. Developed the Sequence of Operation for the Vista Switch Key Interlock control system.


    < Back to all projects MIT LINCOLN LABORATORY FEASIBILITY STUDY LOCATION: Bedford, MA PROJECT START: October 2019 PROJECT COMPLETION: April 2020 FIRM ROLE: Feasibility Study MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MITLL) is a federally funded research and development center chartered to apply advanced technology to problems of national security. MITLL occupies ~2.5 million GSF. Of that 2.5M GSF, 2.0M GSF is located on 110 acres (20 acres of which are MIT property) on the eastern perimeter of Hanscom Air Force Base. The majority of the campus buildings were constructed during the 1950s and 1960s. The last major building, Building S, was completed in 1994. MITLL is in the process of reviewing its real estate needs as well as beginning the implementation of a series of phased projects that will reshape the campus. MITLL is planning a complete revitalization of the campus which includes numerous new facilities. Waldron was retained to develop a Utility Master Plan to support both the new and existing facilities. The plan includes our hybrid approach to central plants, combining solar PV, battery energy storage system and trigeneration into a single centralized plant that will minimize utility cost, minimize greenhouse gas impacts, and provide for 100% supply of utilities in the event of a utility outage.


    < Back to all projects NATIONAL AERONAUTICS & SPACE ADMINISTRATION LOCATION: Hampton, VA IN-SERVICE: 2008 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: Steam and Condensate Distribution System FIRM ROLE: Engineer of Record NASA undertook a major steam distribution redesign project to replace an aging system that could no longer support the integration of two remote steam generating plants and was having water hammer problems that were causing structural challenges. Waldron was selected to engineer and design a new system for steam supply and condensate return for NASA’s Langley Research Center. The system installed over a mile of piping and integrated many buildings on the center’s campus into the distribution system that had to be capable of receiving steam from two remotely located steam generating plants. The system consisted of above ground sections, direct buried sections and underground utility tunnel-based sections, all support and anchoring components and flow and pressure control devices and instrumentation. Steam conditions are 400 psig saturated steam and flow rate of 75,000 lb/hr.

© 2023 Waldron Engineering & Construction, Inc. • Waldron Engineering of New York, P.C.

CA Contractor License #1126806

Westchester County HI License #WC-38167-H24

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